
Search results 1 until 10 of 185
  • 1. Media Center  
    Media Center Are you looking for further information about our crystal growing applications and services? The following material can be downloaded for free.  
  • 2. Crystal Systems - Czochralski  
    Contact Us How can we help you with Czochralski Systems? cgsinfo@pvatepla.comCzochralski crystal growing system CGS1218 The Czochralski crystal growing system CGS1218 is specially…  
  • 3. Float Zone Systems - SR-110 slim-rod puller  
    SR-110 slim-rod puller The SR-110 slim-rod puller works like a Float-Zone system. This system uses a polycrystalline Silicon rod (source rod), with a diameter of 100 mm under the high-frequency…  
  • 4. Float Zone Systems  
    Lower Spindle Pulling rate: up to 30 mm/min Lower rotation: up to 30 rpm Dimensions Height: 6,280 mm Width:    2,750 mm Depth: 3,000 mm …  
  • 5. Float Zone (FZ)  
    The Process In a chamber with a controlled atmosphere, a clean polycrystalline Silicon rod (source rod) is positioned above a high-frequency induction coil. When the high-frequency current is…  
  • 6. Physical Vapor Transport Systems - SiCma System  
    SiCma System The SiCma ("Silicon Carbide machine") represents a significant advancement in the production of silicon carbide (SiC) crystals. Using the physical vapor transport (PVT)…  
  • 7. Physical Vapor Transport Systems  
    Main Features: High quality & volume production up to 8’’ Compact design High run to run repeatability High quality standards for yield maximization Advanced automation Physical…  
  • 8. Physical Vapor Transport (PVT) - The Process  
    The Process In the PVT process, polycrystalline source material (e.g. SiC or AlN powder) undergoes sublimation at a high temperature and low pressure. In a carrier gas (e.g. argon),…  
  • 9. Physical Vapor Transport (PVT) - Physical Vapor Transport (PVT)  
    Physical Vapor Transport (PVT) Physical Vapor Transport (PVT) is a widely used method for the growth of compound semiconductor single crystals such as silicon carbide (SiC) or aluminum nitride…  
  • 10. Overview  
    High-performance production systems such as SiCube or SiCma from PVA Crystal Growing Systems GmbH can produce the required volume of high-purity silicon carbide crystals in a reproducible…  

Search results 1 until 10 of 185

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PVA Crystal Growing Systems GmbH
Im Westpark 10 – 12
35435 Wettenberg

Phone: +49 (0) 641/68690-0

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PVA Crystal Growing Systems GmbH
Im Westpark 10 – 12
35435 Wettenberg

Phone: +49 (0) 641/68690-0